Course Description

MarkitWire is an electronic deal confirmation platform used by financial counterparties to enter, receive and affirm trades and other lifecycle trade events through the MarkitWire entry screens. These trades and trade events can be imported into Calypso with the MarkitWire interface described in this document. A MarkitWire bidirectional module can also be used to submit trades and lifecycle events from Calypso to MarkitWire.

Markit Wire provides same-day trade capture, legal confirmation and workflow management. It provides connectivity to major global broker-dealers and prime brokers and enables buy-side clients to receive, affirm and confirm all trade processing steps in an automated manner, including new trades, allocations, unwinds and assignments.

MarkitWire helps to enhance the overall productivity of the buyside and sellside, across the front, middle and back-office. With a broad range of products available which help to and operate in key international financial markets. The existing MarkitWire to Calypso interface enables trades entered and amended in MarkitWire to automatically feed into Calypso after validation. However, it doesn’t let users enter their MarkitWire transactions directly into Calypso.

Bi-directional implementation of MarktWire serves the need for several financial institutions to centralize the processing of MarkitWire transactions using the Calypso platform as a single entry point. This function enables financial participants to enter and perform lifecycle actions on trades from the Calypso GUI as an alternative to the MarkitWire GUI and feed trade events to MarkitWire along with receiving trade events initiated by the counterparty.

Calypso Learning Services

Course curriculum

    1. MarkitWire

    1. Markitwire:-Uni-Directional Mode

    2. Markitwire:-Bi-Directional Mode

    1. MarkIT

    1. Test Your Knowledge

About this course

  • $300.00
  • 5 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content