Course Description

Global markets for supplying and managing liquidity and capital requirements continue to evolve in the face of regulatory and technological change. Firms need robust, flexible tools for capturing information on simple to complex notes and bonds, which are part of financing strategies. Fixed Income trading in Global Markets requires a platform for real-time trading and updating of risk. As well, when bonds are used in repos or as collateral, an integrated view of what is tradable or not is needed. Many legacy systems often operate in silos and do not cover the fixed-income products in one platform or provide connectivity to disparate platforms. They do not have Risk Management, P&L Management, and robust Back Office environment capabilities in the same platform.

The benefits of using Calypso’s platform for Fixed Income trades are:

  • Simple user interfaces for easy setup of reference data and connectivity to platforms such as Bloomberg
  • Real-time updating of positions
  • Flexible methodology for calculation of risk
  • Fully Integrated into Calypso’s Collateral Manager
  • Fully integrated with Calypso’s risk management and liquidity management tools
  • Fully integrated with Calypso’s robust front-to-back office platform


Course Coverage

This course provides an introduction to the Setup requirements for Fixed income trades in Calypso. The learners will gain experience in capturing bond trades using the Bond Trade window and Bond Pricing Sheet.

This course also covers the Fixed Income pricing framework, bond reports, benchmarks, and corporate actions associated with bonds. The course also provides a brief overview of the risk report for Fixed Income.

The course is aimed at businesses or users who need to set up and use Calypso for trading Fixed Income trades and does not cover the details of pricing models and analytics. 

Upon successful completion of this eLearning course, users will be able to:

  • Setup Reference Data For Fixed Income  
  • Understand Bond Defaults and Benchmarks
  • Capture Trades using the Bond Trade window and the Pricing Sheet
  • Create and Load Bond Reports
  • Perform Trade Lifecycle Actions
  • Understand Risk Reporting and Corporate Action for Bonds

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction to Fixed Income

    1. Bond Issuers and Bond Defaults

    2. Defining Bond Product

    3. Defining Bond Product

    4. Bond Benchmarks and Spreads

    5. Test Your Knowledge

    1. Overview of Bond Pricing Framework

    2. Bond Pricing (Curves)

    3. Constructing a Zero Yield Curve

    4. Introduction to Pricing Environment

    5. Introduction to Pricing Environment

    6. Test Your Knowledge

    1. Trade Bond Window (Bond Worksheet)

    2. Capturing Bond Trade in Trade Bond Window

    3. Basic Bond Trading in Pricing Sheet

    4. Capturing Bond Trade in Pricing Sheet

    5. Capturing Issuance Trades

    6. Capturing Asset Backed and Mortgage Backed Securities

    7. Capturing Bond Option Trades

    1. Bond Report and Bond Composite Report

    2. Bond Report Template

    3. Position Configuration and Position Keeper

    4. Test Your Knowledge

    1. Trade Lifecycle Events

    2. Trade Lifecycle Event - Allocation

About this course

  • $300.00
  • 33 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content