Course Description

Nasdaq Calypso is a multi-tier application developed using in Java technologies and few open source software’s, it also uses industry standard database tools to store reference and transaction data. Nasdaq Calypso has Spring Boot to facilitate component style functioning and administration. Nasdaq Calypso can easily integrate with approved third-party systems with few changes. In order to understand functionality and how it works the basic is to understand the architecture of Nasdaq Calypso.

In this course you will learn about the overall Calypso Architecture, the main components and their interaction.

It will help learners to -

  • Understand Calypso multi tier architecture

  • Understand the robustness of Calypso application

  • Appreciate the event driven architecture

  • Describe the key components and their role

Course curriculum

    1. Overview of Nasdaq Calypso Architecture

    2. Architecture V18

    1. Architecture V17

    1. Setup and Configuration

    2. How to Import DB Dump

    3. How to clear events

    1. Calypso Core Architecture - V18

    2. Calypso Core Architecture - V17

About this course

  • 8 lessons