Course Description

Calypso Treasury and Liquidity is an important module in Calypso. It provides the user with an understanding of Calypso Treasury & Liquidity solutions which are used for monitoring position and risk, their utility, and configuration in Calypso.

The Liquidity module provides the tools for viewing current and projected positions and balances. Positions and balances are referenced as objectives. The position is an accumulation of all the open trades at any moment in time. The position is based on the exposure that you have within a given currency. It is the net effect of all your trades.

With the knowledge of the Liquidity module, you will be able to understand:

  • Liquidity Tools/Solutions
  •  Purpose of each Solution

In this eLearning module, we will cover the overview of Calypso Liquidity Solutions. At the outset, the course will help the learners to understand the role of the Treasury function and explain how Calypso helps the Treasury team to achieve these objectives through its Liquidity module. The course will then provide the learners with a brief introduction to various liquidity tools like Forward Ladder, Context Positions, Asset Liability Management, Behavioral Assumption, Net Interest Income Report, Cash Ladder, and Fund Transfer Pricing.

After completing this eLearning module, you will be able to understand the Calypso Liquidity module and its capabilities to meet the business needs of your institution.

NOTE: The Treasury solutions are briefly covered in this eLearning module. If you wish to know more about any topic, kindly refer to the eLearning manual: Treasury and Liquidity Solution or Liquidity module.

Course curriculum

    1. Calypso Treasury and Liquidity Solutions

About this course

  • 1 lesson