Course Description

Calypso Architecture course consists of several modules to explain the features and benefits of each one separately.

Below is the list of modules :

  • Core  Architecture         
  • Engine Framework        
  • Scheduler / Schedule Task
  • Risk Infrastructure

In Risk Infrastructure eLearning, you will get to know the details of servers and their configurations. It also explains the architecture of Risk Servers set-up and flow details explained. Calypso Risk infrastructure provides a solution to configure and execute risk reports in the Calypso application. Risk reports are a way of communicating project and business risks to respective departments like Risk Control, Risk Compliance and Risk management teams. Calypso has segregated processing logic and presentation logic into two separate components namely Calculation Server and Presentation Server. In addition to these Calypso also provides Grid Computing with help of Dispatcher and Calculator config to process and generate a report in quick turnaround time with minimum burden on the Calculation server.

With the help introduction of Scheduler, Calypso offers various solutions to automate the legacy work of report generation and scheduled processing. This eLearning will help you to understand the concept of scheduler and organization of tasks. In the latest version of Calypso task configuration and scheduling are separated for better control. In this eLearning, you will learn about the Scheduling capabilities in Calypso. You will learn how to create, schedule and monitor a task or a chain of tasks.

In Engine framework eLearning, you will be able to understand the concept of Engine in Calypso and how the Engine Server and Engine are connected and organized. It also includes details of how they work and communicate with the rest of the applications

Core architecture eLearning will help you to understand Calypso Architecture, the main components and their interaction. It will help learners to Understand Calypso multi-tier architecture, Understand the robustness of Calypso application, Appreciate the event-driven architecture, Describe the key components and their role and Navigate Calypso Navigator(UI) for key user operations.

Course curriculum

    1. Core Architecture Overview

    2. Calypso Core Architecture

    3. Events Orchestration

    4. Data Model

    1. V17 Architecture

    2. JBOSS to Spring Boot Settings

    3. Test Your Knowledge

    1. Calypso Scheduler Overview

    1. Calypso Engine Framework

    1. Calypso Risk Infrastructure

    2. Risk Infrastructure

    1. Advance Server

    2. ERS Risk

About this course

  • $500.00
  • 23 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content