Course Description

This course takes you to a deep dive in the Repo module in Calypso. 

It will start with the required setup that you need in order to understand and define Repo Trades, and then apply lifecycle actions. You will learn how to report the trades as well.

You will also learn how to use SecFinanceWorkstation and have a deep guide of swift messages for Repos.

The course consists of several modules, including full configuration details, trade definition, trade lifecycyle, reporting, Sweeping, Trade Defaulting and Secfinance Workstation.

Course curriculum

    1. Trade Definitions

    2. Field Descriptions

    3. Actions and Lifecycle

    4. Repo-Trade Lifecycle

    5. Repo-Trade Capture

    1. Reports

    1. Overview of Security Finance Workstation

    2. Demonstration of Sec Finance Workstation

    1. Security Finance Sweeping

    1. SWIFT Messages for Security Finance

    1. Trade Defaulting

About this course

  • $300.00
  • 12 lessons