Course Description

This course introduces Static and Reference data within Calypso. The learner will gain experience reviewing the fundamental aspects of the Back Office Configuration.

The course is aimed at businesses or users who need to set up and use Calypso for trading and back-office. The course comprises reference documents, videos, and a test your knowledge section.

By the end of the course, users will be able to:

  • Describe the importance of Static and Reference data in Calypso
  • Identify the benefits of Static and Reference data
  • Set up the Legal Entity and its attributes
  • Describe and set up the Legal Agreements
  • Define the Trading Books
  • Setup of Accounting Books

Course curriculum

    1. Static and Reference Data

    1. Legal Entity definition

    2. Contact setup

    1. Trading Book

About this course

  • $300.00
  • 4 lessons