Course Description

In this eLearning module, you will go through details about the Calypso DevOps center, WebAdmin and Logging concepts of Calypso.

This e-learning module is of great help to developers to understand how to configure logs and perform admin activities, configure engines, stop/start processes and other available options in Calypso. 

For Support Analyst, it gives an idea of how to deploy and monitor application processes from a common platform and understand how it works. A prerequisite for this e-learning is Calypso Core Architecture e-learning which provides you details of Calypso architecture.

 This module covers below topics of supervision


In this chapter  you learn how to install, configure DevOps for application Deployment and Monitoring

You will be able to understand how Calypso DevOps will solve the problem of individual deployment and monitoring, with this you will achieve centralized control to perform these tasks.



You will learn about Calypso WebAdmin, available menu option and their importance. Configuration of Engine using WebAdmin and how it will get reflected in Calypso application.Features of WebAdmin and how to monitor applications using it. With the use of WebAdmin, you will achieve control of application monitoring and tuning. It offers features to run profiling and configure log categories to capture details in case of an issue



In this chapter you will  learn how important is to log details in the Calypso and different application logs created by Calypso processes, their details, and features. We will also understand the details of the third-party tool that Calypso Application uses / implements and how to configure it according to requirements. This course is intended to provide details about logging in Calypso Application to development and support teams as they need to be aware of details and equipped to apply in case of any query or issue that needs to be investigated.

Course curriculum

    1. DevOps

    2. Test Your Knowledge

    1. Web Admin

    2. Test Your Knowledge

    1. Logging

    2. Test Your Knowledge

    3. Log Categories

    1. Handout-EventMonitoring

    2. Handout-WebAdmin

    3. Handout_DevOps

    1. DevOps Center

    2. WebAdmin-Presentation

    3. DevOps-Presentation

    4. Web Admin v16.1

    5. Logging v16.1

    6. Handout_DevOpsv16.1

    7. DevOps 4.6.2

    8. DevOps Video Demonstration

About this course

  • $300.00
  • 18 lessons